what they say
about craig

Bedros Keuilian - Founder, FitBodyBootcamp.com
"The Perfect Life Workshop was a game changer… and I’ve been working on myself and my structure for a decade. One breakthrough I got from this day is going to be worth $750K in new income over the next 12 months. I don’t know of any other ONE thing that can give a person so much focus, clarity, and structure to live a perfect life and have a perfect business. Do whatever you have to in order to make it out to Craig’s next event!"
Russell Brunson - CEO & Founder, ClickFunnels
"Thanks to what I've learned from Craig, now in my '2-hour mornings' I get as much work done as I typically do in an 8-hour day. I've already moved things before my kids are awake, and now the rest of the day is just a bonus. I hope that you try it. You'll get 10 times more stuff done."

John Romaniello - NY Times Best-Selling Author
"You can sit back feeling helpless as the weeks, months, and years continue to pass you by while nothing changes…Or you can get Craig’s system to put the future of your family, health, wealth, and happiness back into your own hands. It’s going to change your life. "
Joe Polish - Founder of The Genius Network
“The perfect day formula system is awesome. I highly recommend it for other top achievers.”

Vince DelMonte - NY Times Best-Selling Author
"You can sit back feeling helpless as the weeks, months, and years continue to pass you by while nothing changes…Or you can get Craig’s system to put the future of your family, health, wealth, and happiness back into your own hands. It’s going to change your life. "
Flavia DelMonte - Best-selling cookbook author
"Now I take control of my day and live my Perfect Day. I have time to exercise, eat healthy foods, run a business and still spend as much time with my two toddlers as a full-time mom. My Perfect Day starts before my children wake up and I work on my business for 2 hours before the house even stirs. Thanks to applying Perfect Day Formula, my income has increased, my stress has decreased, and I’ve become a better mother and wife. I’m even close to getting my pre-pregnancy body back. You need Craig’s mentoring if you want to control your days and live the Perfect life."